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Tanya Kryder is an Indiana based art photographer. Her work has taken her many different directions over the years, however, still life, constructed reality and experimental (alternative processes) are her dominate focus. Her work follows several themes with one common connection, the human condition. 


Tanya began her love affair with the camera at a young age. However, it wasn’t until she found a mentor that taught her traditional darkroom that she realized she had a passion for the whole artistic process, form capture to final print making. She holds an degree in Fine Art Photography from Academy of Art University. She started her freelance career in 2009.


Tanya gained national recognition for her volunteer work with a project near and dear to her heart, focused on historic cemetery preservation. She worked on the project as the photographer, photo editor and graphic artist. This work would provide her with her first magazine spread.


On the rare occasion of putting the camera down and computer away, you can find her spending time in her community as a volunteer, or spending quality time with her husband, beloved pets, family and friends.

Self Description: Intensely self conscious, socially awkward, painfully shy, creative soul.  I'm a tech weirdo and a self proclaimed music junkie.

Greatest Achievement: Following my dreams regardless of the obstacles. 

Greatest Fear: Snakes 

Favorite Book: The Stand by Stephen King 

Favorite Music: It is a shorter list to tell you what I don't like: Spontaneous Jazz and Bluegrass. I will listen to anything else at least once. 😁

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